Choosing Coffee for Brewing in a French Press

Most good quality coffee beans will work just fine brewed in a French Press, but my current preference is to use African beans or any beans that are noted for having more berry or citrus characteristics. I’ve found that when brewing those beans as espresso, often certain characteristics end…

How To Use a French Press

The following is a step by step guide to brewing a great French Press. I should point out that my method is very much based on James Hoffman’s French Press video which itself borrowed Tim Wendelboe’s great idea to remove the floating foam after steeping. So full kudos…

French Press

Recently whilst on Holiday we took our French press with us so we could have some nice coffee whilst we were away. I took some of Hasbean’s Gethumbwini pre-ground nice and coarse for use with the French Press. I have to say I really enjoyed the break from Espresso-based…